6 апр. 2015 г.

I long to be by the sea where a blossom falls from a cherry tree

Phew ... These were insanely busy weeks! I finally started to visit the gym and  get fit for summer. Merciful Lord, make it so that all the cookies gone of the world!... Of course I'm kidding. Now my shops and preparations for the new season  interest me most of all. A couple of weeks ago Rebel Dolls participated in the fashion show of dresses from my pin-up store "Cherry Shop". It was a great event with jazz music and dancing. Finally, I got photos from there!

(Miss Kristina wearing sky blue dress from Lindy Bop)

(Miss Nastya in space dress from Voodoo Vixen)

(Collectif dress on miss Julia)

(Wonderful floral dress on miss Kristina)

(Classy miss Julia in Lindy Bop)

(Miss Nika dancing in beautiful skull dress from Voodoo Vixen)

(Miss Irina in lovely violet dress)

(Me, disheveled and happy)

(All the beauties together)

I like to review such cheerful pictures. Fond memories of important moments of life. And this time also a farewell to the old  hairdo!^^ Goodbye Betty bangs! Hello 50's style false bangs XD

Do you think I made the right choice?)

11 мар. 2015 г.

On my fingers the smell of her deep black hair

I'm so glad that my collection is enriched with a new fragrance from Demeter Fragrance Library. I love the variety of their flavors and  believe that everyone can find among the presented smells something of his own. I've already posted about two items from DFL here. The company pride themselves on being produced fragrances at least 95% natural and made from environmentally friendly components. Of course, DFL products are not tested on animals. 

My new bottle of perfume is called "Sex on the beach." Yes, in honor of the famous cocktail :) I feel notes of pineapple juice, drops of raspberry and melon  liqueurs and a little bit of cranberries. When applying this fragrance on your skin before your eyes arise dreams of paradise islands, palm trees, tropical fruits and beautiful islanders, and the hand itself stretches over a glass with a cool cocktail ...:)

5 мар. 2015 г.


Spring! All is full of sunshine and energy! And I do too. I madly want to create something, to write, to implement ideas. I feel purity and renewal. Now is a good time for all sorts of magic and rituals. And every spring I'm irresistibly drawn to the ground. I feel so much forces in myself  that I want to give them to someone else. And then I planting :) I love all kinds of plants: house plants, pot plants, garden plants.  I don't have much space at home for all the plants that I'd like to grow, unfortunately. But I have an old-old Spathiphyllum, poinsettia brought by one Christmas, cactus, and of course orchids. This is my permanent residents. But in times like these I like to plant flowers. I loooove the bulbous! Daffodils, hyacinths, lilies, amaryllis... This year I decided to grow aundersized irises. This is one of my favorite flowers. So gentle, refined and concise. Now my babies are 10 centimeters growth :) Moreover, the window sill is a great place for medicinal herbs. With due attention you can grow mint and lemon balm, thyme and rosemary, magic tulsi for health and tasty basil, lemongrass, and even parsley. Plant and prepare the ground better in accordance with the lunar calendar: in ancient times astrologers noticed the connection between the cycle of the moon and the development and growth of plants. Today is favorable date for planting, pretty witches! So let's decorate our homes with thousands of beautiful flowers!

26 февр. 2015 г.

The Sisterhood

*commercial break*

My beloved sister now lives in Germany. She is the most talented person in the world and I can not help but admire her creativity! She sees all the beauty in nature and people. Maybe because she is a witch and has a mystical connection with the spirits, huh? In any case, I love her with all my heart and  want to share with you one of her works. This is the new vision of traditional Russian nesting dolls. Cute, isn't it? I only regret that I haven't  got good quality photos of this little masterpiece.

I had once written about the artistic skills of my sister here. But I should add that most of my best photos are also made by her. So if you want to arrange a fabulous photo shoot, ask to make a drawing or crafts, perform a Wiccan ritual or simply make friends with her, please welcome:


10 февр. 2015 г.

Phoenix Of My Heart

Dear friends, I have accumulated a number of new cosmetic products, which I would like to share with you. Firstly, it's my discovery of perfume brand "Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab". I was given a lot of "imp's ears" for Halloween, and I hardly could find the time to try them all. My collection of fragrances called "A Picnic in Arkham". Oh, I love the dark world of HP Lovecraft! And of course I just had to taste something as weird as a perfume associated with his books! So, here is my top of creepy fragrances:

****  Al Azif

"A sinister, sinuous incense of summoning, a herald and paean to the Primordial Gods of Darkness, Chaos, Madness and Decay."

I put 4 out of possible 5 because this scent is more for men. The smell of coffee with a touch of oriental.

***** Arkham

"A shadowy, unapproachable forest of maple, birch, dogwood, cypress and pine softened by a garland of New England wildflowers: bergamot, columbine, rue anemone, blue violet, creeping phlox, bloodroot, toadflax, and pixie moss."

If this city really smells like this oil, it should be not so scary. Very light flavor with a hint of mango.

"A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters."

This is the worst smell of the whole line. Very sharp and not natural. It looks like Cthulhu enjoys air freshener.

***Herbert West

"Aftershave, embalming fluid, and splatterings from a panoply of reanimation reagents."

I smell the tea and very light shade of flowers. As if he is  not possessed  reanimator but harmless old florist. 

"The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls."

Warm and soft scent that I associate with cookies. It seems that the University is a stronghold of the goodness.

**** Nyarlathotep

"Brooding, yet electric: the scent of buried secrets, roiling nightmares, the essence of the Crawling Chaos, the Father of Knives and Locusts, the Hunter in the Dark. This is the blackest of ritual incenses charged with flashes of ozone."

The smell of the earth, weighed down by sadness. On the skin reveals notes of citrus. 

**** R’Lyeh

"A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves."

The smell of freshly sliced apples, mixed with something unnatural. Maybe a trace of air freshener from Cthulhu? 

"The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices."

My favorite scent! Apple, cinnamon, honey... Warm, enveloping scent. Looks like Shub-Niggurath is just ducky and often bakes at home an apple pie.

Please don't forget that these estimates are highly subjective, and everyone feels in flavors something specifically own. 

What else is new?I have already written about the fact that the care of the hair very important to me. So I discover new amazing brands with great joy. "Kensuko" is the last such opening for me. Shampoo of this mark perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the hair and has the consistency of cream. In addition, this eco-friendly brand! So I'm going to try a few more funds from "Kensuko". 

In addition, I switched to natural oils for my skin. Now I'm testing macadamia oil. It's too early to talk about the results, but I hope that this is much more useful than chemical creams. 
Ladies, I ask you to share with me your experiences in the use of oils: cosmetic and aromatic. What is your favorite flavor at BPAL? And what kind of oil do you use for face 


29 янв. 2015 г.

Paradise place

Our trip to India ended on the Andaman Islands. It's tiny pieces of land, lost in the middle of the Indian Ocean. They are not even one of the states of India, they are Union Territory. Few manage to get here. Planes fly hither only from Indian metropolises and the ferry goes only from Calcutta. Travellers need to receive a special permit in the capital of Andamans - Port Blair. But it's all worth it! Now I'm sure that if somewhere on Earth there is Heaven - it's located in here. But the beauty of these islands is beyond words. The best I can do - to show you some pictures.

I spent my twenty-fifth birthday  diving to the depth of 10 meters. Amazing underwater world, which I've seen, became the pearl of this year. Myriads of shimmering and iridescent fishes, corals, shells and turquoise water captivated my heart. The new plan for the future is to receive diver certificate. 

It was a little painful to leave this paradise beauty and return to the gray days. I decided to make a mehendi to have at least a couple of weeks with India next to me. The patterns on my hands - the best symbol of this country. Sophisticated, ornate, delicate and staggering. They surprise and attract attention. Not everyone is willing to share it's beauty. But we need to learn to see finest in outlandish and bizarre things in our little world full of cultural diversity.

19 янв. 2015 г.

Southern trees bear strange fruit - blood on the leaves and blood at the root

Friends, I would like to tell you a lot about my travels throughout India, about wonderful and wild places I had visited. One of such places - Sundarbans jungle. This is the largest mangrove forest in the world. It's located in the state of West Bengal, in the delta of Ganges. An incredible amount of rumors and legends surrounds this rotten and boggy place. Besides here lives endangered Bengal Tiger - Tiger cannibal. Therefore, every now and then appear the stories of mysterious disappearances of people, who got lost in the mangroves or were killed by a tiger. Nevertheless, the land is very fertile, and people continue to live here no matter what. We longed to visit this place after the book of Salman Rushdie "Midnight's Children." He, in his usual manner, was able to describe this place as mystical and alluring. So, being in Calcutta we could not resist the temptation to visit Sundarbans.

Our adventure began early in the morning. We took a minimum of things and got into an old  minibus, carrying us away from the Сity of joy. We drove for hours and changed several modes of transport from rickshaws and carts to motor boat, before reaching the village at the edge of the jungle. This is an incredibly picturesque place with rice fields, wicker huts and herds of cows. People in this village live only by manual labor and handicrafts.

We wandered around the neighborhood until sunset, had time to take a boat ride and listen to the singing of thousands of birds. Perhaps it was one of the most beautiful evening of my life.

The next day we dedicated to mangrove jungle, having studied them far and wide. This is a strange place, but still not as enigmatic as we expected. Of course, we have not seen a Bengal tiger, but were rewarded with deers, crocodiles, baboons and other wild forest animals. This trip wasn't very easy for us, but still it of that costed. These age-old forests are actually very fragile and in need of our protection, as well as their inhabitants. 

After this trip, we were insanely tired and went back to Calcutta half asleep. Mile after mile on the bumpy road in the night we were carried away from strange trees of Sundarban. Perhaps we got not what we've expected. Perhaps we imagined Sundarbans too stereotyped. But like each time India was able to surprise us, open itself with the unknown side and teach something new. We fall asleep with the realization that we still want to go back there.